Why Lawyers Need Acting or Improv Class

An inexpensive way for lawyers to improve their courtroom skills is to take an acting or improv class. In college, I took an acting class to fulfill arts credit. I learned to be an effective actor, you must be able to get in touch with both your emotions and the emotions of your character. This knowledge has helped me empathize with my clients to better convey their situation to the arbitrator, judge or jury. In addition, it helped me overcome my introversion and inherent shyness. Once I did that, I found that acting can be fun.


Improvisation is different than acting, but just as effective in helping an attorney improve in the courtroom. Students take on a role or character to play during an improvisation class. The group is then given an outrageous situation that they are to imagine is taking place at the moment. From there the fun starts with each member of the group feeding off the others to take the story further and further. Improvisation teaches you how to “be in the moment.” This encourages you to be aware of what is going on around you and harness that to your advantage. For example, I was once in trial and noticed one of the jurors was nodding off during direct examination. My training in improvisation taught me to jettison what I was doing and change up my delivery so that ALL the jurors were paying attention.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to examine how Acting classes can make you a better lawyer!

Photo credit: Aimee Custis Photography via Foter.com / CC BY

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