Toastmasters: An Essential Tool for Trial Lawyers

Without Toastmasters, I would not be the trial lawyer that I am today. Toastmasters International helps people become better public speakers. The organization also offers a very effective leadership training program. Ralph Smedley started Toastmasters in 1924 in the basement of a California YMCA. I am a second generation Toastmaster and have been involved in a club for almost thirty years.

I first joined Toastmasters to get over my fear of public speaking. Over the years I learned you don’t “get over” the fear, but instead learn to embrace it and use it to enhance your presentation. What keeps me coming back over all this time is the impromptu speaking portion of the meetings called Table Topics. During Table Topics a person is given a topic and must speak on that topic for 1-2 minutes. This forces the speaker to learn to think on his or her feet and develop a compelling outline/argument on the fly. Such ability will serve you well in the courtroom or arbitration (or even talking to the senior partner).

In addition, I have used my Toastmaster club as a free “focus group” on certain cases. I have worked on perfecting voir dire questions and even practiced both opening statements and closing arguments. Each time I have received constructive feedback on how to make my arguments better.

Lastly, Toastmasters is wonderful at helping you get rid of annoying speaking habits. Too many “ahs and uhms?” We have a person that will count them for you and tell you exactly how many you used in a five minute speech. Overly reliant on gestures to make your point? We can offer suggestions. Lacking in vocal variety? We can help with that too.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to examine how Toastmasters can make you a better speaker and leader!


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