Have you ever had an idea that was so big, so brilliant, so life-changing that you were sure it would be a success? Did you follow up on that idea? If not, was it because the process to get there was too overwhelming? If so, then you are like most people.
Many people have big ideas. However, most people find themselves getting overwhelmed with the little problems. Instead of concentrating on solving the problems, they spiral into the fantasy world of “if only.” If only I had the money. If only I had the time. If only I had the knowledge. It reminds me of the phrase “If wishes were fishes”: Nonsensical and unrealistic.
While these feelings are normal, they are not conducive to achieving your goals. What is effective is breaking down the problems into smaller projects that you can solve so that you can move forward. In a study by Harvard researchers Teresa Amabile and Steven J. Kramer, they found that in the business world it was the everyday wins that led to long term progress. Even more interesting is that the size of the everyday win was irrelevant to the motivation that it provided. Small wins gave employees as much motivation as accomplishing long-term, large goals. The lesson we can take away from this study is that small steps will move you forward quicker than sitting around and waiting for the motivation to hit you to complete your big project!
Incentives to complete goals
Completing a goal in and of itself can be rewarding, but is it enough to keep you motivated towards fulfilling your ultimate desire? If taking a pen and crossing off your “to-do” list no longer fills you with excitement, think about other ways to reward yourself for your accomplishments. Every time you cross something off the list, give yourself one dollar of mad money. If one dollar is not enough, make it five or ten.
If money is not enough to motivate you, what is? Do you like reading? For each five things off your list, reward yourself with a book. Do you like movies? Same thing, reward yourself with a guilt free movie and tell yourself that you earned it. Regardless of what it is, find something that will motivate you to keep taking those small steps towards accomplishing your goals.
Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to start working towards implementing your big ideas!
Photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/37848681@N05/”>-Jeffrey-</a> / <a href=”http://foter.com/”>Foter.com</a> / <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/”>CC BY-ND</a>