Public Speaking – Gestures

gesturesLawyers can enhance their presentations by adopting the right balance of gestures, body movement, and eye contact. Here are a couple of things to think about:


Gestures can enhance a presentation, or distract from it. The key to gestures is moderation. For example, too much hand waving is distracting. However, ticking off points using fingertips can be enlightening. Endless pacing reminds the audience of a caged tiger. Purposeful movement from one place to another conveys that the speaker is moving to a different topic.

Be natural while working with gestures. If a speaker is excited about his or her presentation, then natural gestures will convey the excitement. Avoid trying to plan gestures. It often comes across as stilted and is generally ineffective.


Establishing eye contact with the audience serves many purposes. First, it establishes credibility and knowledge of the topic. Second, it keeps the audience engaged. If the speaker is staring at the audience, then they are encouraged to listen to the speaker. Third, it gives the speaker vital feedback on whether the audience understands the point. Quizzical expressions give the speaker cues to expand on his or her point.

Accomplished speakers are able to use gestures to enhance their presentation, and eye contact to engage the audience.

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Photo credit: Photo Extremist via / CC BY-ND

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