The Right Tools

The other day I was watching our landscapers trim a large bush that had overgrown the fence. What would have taken me 3 hours to complete with my clippers, took them just 10 minutes. That is when it hit me…Productivity depends on having the right tools for the job!


A client had a great idea for selling artwork on the internet. She wanted to create a website for artists to post their art, and buyers to buy the art. Every artist that she worked with was excited about the prospect. She came to me because the whole process was overwhelming. Together, we developed a plan to find people with the right tools to help her create the site. Breaking it down, we discovered she not only needed a web designer, but someone also skilled in writing code. She needed a lawyer to work on copyright issues. She needed a graphic artist to create a catchy logo. She had an idea and a dream. However, she could only succeed by assembling the team that had the right tools.


Another client had made the difficult decision of transition out of patent law and into trial work. Both areas of law require a JD, but that is where the similarities end. In reality, he had chosen to go into an entirely different career requiring whole new skills. This did not stop him though. Together, we developed a plan on how to acquire and perfect the new skills. We worked together to keep him on the most effective path for success in his new career.


A coach can give you the tools you need to achieve your goals.

–If you are a procrastinator, we can work together to end the delay tactics.

–If you waste time surfing the web, we can work on increasing your productivity.

–If you are not satisfied in your current position, we can work on a way to better your position, or find a new job.

Often, a person knows that a change needs to be made to make life more fulfilling. But the process of trying to figure out what the change is can be exhausting. As a result of working with a coach you can rediscover your true desires. From there, you and your coach can develop a plan. The coach then holds you accountable for the plan you developed.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to examine how you can push yourself to be a better lawyer!

Photo credit: dottieg2007 via / CC BY

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