Pre-Trial Playlist

In addition to coaching, I am still a practicing trial lawyer. Every morning before a trial, I get extremely nervous. I worry about not putting enough work into the trial prep. I fret about what my witnesses will say on the stand. I cringe about voir dire. Whatever negative thoughts there are, they will go through my mind and strangle my soul…if I let them. I have found the best antidote to pre-trial jitters is a playlist that calms my mind. These are five songs that I play before any trial:

Don’t Give Up  – Peter Gabriel/Kate Bush

This is THE song for trial lawyers. Peter Gabriel lends voice to the anxiety and fear we all have of not being worthy. “I was taught to fight, I was taught to win…No one wants you when you lose.” We hear the protagonist facing failure and loss of control. Then comes Kate Bush’s haunting “Don’t give up, ’cause you still have friends.” In the depths of depression, others count on us. This song, more than any other makes me proud to fight.

I’ll Take the Rain  – REM

This one is a break-up song about promises made by lovers and the scars left by betrayal. Still, the rain referred to in the song could represent the good memories. For every trial we engage in, we learn and get better. “I’ll take the rain” means “even though it’s hard, it beats sitting at the office and not even making an effort.”

True to Myself  – Ziggy Marley

Another break-up song, but with a much more positive vibe. Ziggy is singing that being true to one’s self is the only way to reach true happiness and sense of worth. At this point, I am usually back into trial mode and the upbeat melody gives me confidence. Plus, I love the concept of “being true to myself.”

Rise to Me  – The Decemberists

If the last song gives me confidence, this one gives me the grit necessary to try the case. “You rise to me, and I’ll blow you down.” If those lyrics don’t encompass the mentality of every trial lawyer, I don’t know what lyrics would.

Good Day  – The Kinks

The final song leaves me feeling hopeful. Yes, things can go horribly wrong, but it’s still going to be a good day. “The sky is blue, but there are clouds in my head, with big decisions looming ahead.” An apt description of walking up the courtroom steps as you head into battle.

These songs speak to me. Your songs will most likely be much different if you decide to make a pre-trial playlist. The idea is to find songs that speak to your mental and emotional state at the time. Also to pick songs that lift your spirits and positively motivate you. With a little self-reflection, and a lot of song listening, you can come up with five songs that take some of the pre-trial stress away.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to work on your own pre-trial playlist.

Photo credit: rudolf_schuba via / CC BY

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