Plan the Work and Work the Plan

yellow padSummer is over and it is time to get back to work. I don’t mean your job, I mean get back to work on planning your transition. Whether it is the transition from student to lawyer, public servant lawyer to private law practice, or out of the practice entirely, you will need to set goals to gauge your progress towards your desire. Why is that? Because time marches on and your desire to make changes in the next year will not be realized if you do not work towards making those changes.

Making changes is deceptively simple. All it requires is a plan and the willpower to follow the plan. Notice that I did not say “desire” or “motivation” to follow the plan. That is the main reason most changes fall by the wayside. “I’ll do it when I feel the motivation” is never the path to success. However, the mindset that “I committed myself to making this change and, even though I do not feel like it right now, I will follow my plan” is the secret of success.

Developing a plan requires deep soul searching on what you desire. From there, it requires hard thinking about what it will take for you to reach your ultimate goal…a successful transition. As a coach for lawyers, I work with my clients to develop plans and hold them accountable on working towards their final goal.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to start developing your own plan!

Photo credit: <a href=””>Strupey</a> / <a href=””>Foter</a> / <a href=””>CC BY-ND</a>

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