Outside Interests

Tri SwimThe four months of training was exhausting, but I recently completed my third triathlon. During the swim portion I was elbowed and kicked. During the bike portion I really began to feel the heat of what turned out to be the hottest day of the year. During the run, I said to myself “I’m never going to do this again.” And then the race was over. I achieved the two goals that I had set out for myself. First, to feel better in the water. Second to place better. You may wonder why I did it? The answer is simple, because I set a goal for myself and, more importantly, followed through.

One thing lawyers often forget is that the practice of law can be all consuming. There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you need to. If you let it the time, energy and emotional commitment will overwhelm you. That is why it is crucial that you have outside interests. Everyone needs something to get them out of the office and give them a chance to enjoy life.

In deciding what outside interest to engage in, ask yourself “what did I like doing when I was younger?” Chances are you will come up with many ideas. Examples include reading, going to movies, playing tennis, fishing, etc. Pick one and find a group of friends (or find a group through social media) that want to do the same thing. Set a date to do it, and follow through.

You will find that by getting away from the office and getting your mind off of your caseload, you will have more energy when you are back at the office. With more energy comes greater productivity.

Will I compete in another triathlon? Yes, I have already signed up for one that is two months away. Time to start training!

Will you decide to start doing something that you used to love?

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to find out how a coach can help you explore outside interests!

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