New Year’s Resolutions? Five Apps That Can Help











Almost 40% of Americans never make New Year’s Resolutions. Those that make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than those that do not. Here are five apps that will help you achieve the most popular resolutions.

Drink Less

Dry January is an easy app that allows you to track how much money and calories you save by giving up the booze. If you are charity minded, you can donate the money you saved to a good cause.

Lose Weight

Lose It! is a simple app that allows you to enter your food and exercise over the day. You will be able to track calorie intake which will help you resist the urge for late night snacks.

Get Organized

Evernote  takes a little practice, but it will be worth it. You will be able to check out your goals, track your tax deductions, recall information on acquaintances…the list goes on and on.


Fitness Buddy will help you avoid looking like an idiot at the gym. It provides you with step-by-step photos on the proper form for over 1700 exercise moves. It also allows you to track your workouts and target specific muscles.

Enjoy Life

Simply Being. A large part of stabilizing work/life balance is being in the moment. The best way to train your mind to do this is with meditation. This app provides voice guided meditation with or without music or nature sounds in increments of 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes. Best app for people new to meditation.

These five apps will help you achieve your resolutions. This, in turn, will help you live a fuller and more productive life.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to find out how a coach can help you achieve your New Year’s Resolutions!

Photo credit: Sam JR via / CC BY