Navigate A Career


Helping lawyers navigate a career. That’s what I do. It is an amazing job in that I positively work with others in a normally adversarial industry. Through my work with lawyers, I have found a coach can be beneficial in a number of career stages.

Navigate the Steep Learning Curve

The first stage is the transition from law school to practicing lawyer. Whether being in a large firm, a small firm, or hanging your own shingle, the learning curve is steep! As one of my early mentors said to me, “Law School teaches you to think like a lawyer. Passing the bar exam gets you your license. Neither teaches you the actual practice of law.” A coach works with younger attorneys to develop plans and techniques to minimize the angle of that learning curve.


Another stage that benefits from the use of a coach is transitioning from one area of practice to another. This could be from moving out of the DA’s office or large firm into a sole practice. It could also be transitioning out of law entirely. Again, a coach will work with you to examine what you truly desire, and, together, create a plan to help you navigate towards your goals.

Running a Business

When you work for a firm or the public defender’s office, you learn the practice of law. You also might learn how to recruit clients. What you don’t learn is the day to day skills needed to run an office. If you would like to be a sole practitioner, then a coach can help you navigate through the multitude of challenges that a business owner must deal with in order to be successful.


One of the worst things a lawyer can go through is not getting fulfillment from the career. This can happen gradually, or it can be quick. Regardless, it saps the lawyer’s energy and eventually leads to burnout. A coach can work with you to identify the signs of and strategies to overcome burnout.

How Coaching Works

How coaching works is fairly simple:


As a coach, I work in collaboration with my clients. Together, we work on finding out what the client wants in his or her career. This is done through consultation, research, and soul searching.

Goal Setting

Once you decide what you want out of your career, we then work on how you will get there. Mostly, we will use the technique known as SMART goal setting. Working together we will set up immediate, mid-range, and long term goals. Your job will be to work towards acheiving those goals. My job will be to hold you accountable.


Coaching is meant to be a relatively short term engagement. I am here to help you move forward and clear obstacles that are holding you back. Working together, we develop the tools to help you achieve your desires. Using those tools, you can navigate your own way. We celebrate in the knowledge that you can move forward on your own.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to explore navigating your career!

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