If Not Now, When?

For years I told myself “someday I’m going to get out of my practice and do something I am passionate about.” It started almost immediately out of law school. “Once I pay off my student loans, I’m outta here.” Then as I paid those off, another arbitrary goal justified my staying in a career of which I was not fond. For the past 15 years I had been telling myself to “make a five-year plan” to get out. Every year I failed to make a plan, and the cycle continued. I wish during those years that I had said to myself “If not now…When!?”

Its a cliche, but we are only given a certain amount of time on this planet. Every moment we spend engaged in nonsense is wasted time that we will never get back.

When I started training to become a coach, I thought “this will be a good way to supplement my career.” I never believed it would allow me to make as much money as I did in my law practice. What pleasantly surprised me was the joy that I would get out of helping lawyers and others discover their “why.” I suddenly discovered passion in what I was doing. I found that making money is nice, but it is not my passion. Helping others has given me a sense of purpose that was lacking.

Over the years, I realized that it is very easy to put off hard decisions. It is common to rationalize reasons to stay in a career that you dislike. The wasted minutes become wasted days. Those wasted days become wasted years. After all that wasted time, you are left asking yourself “How did I get here?”

The answer to that question is you never challenged yourself to ask “If not now…When?!” That is my challenge to you. If you want to make changes, the best time to do it is now. The worst time to do it is later because later never comes.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to begin answering the question “If not now…when?”

Photo onĀ Foter.com

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