Head In The Game

Get’cha Head in the Game ” Over a decade ago, Disney released High School Musical and it took the tween world by storm. Somehow, my wife and I were roped into watching. One song in particular has remained with me ever since. “Get’cha Head in the Game” performed by Zac Efron. It was not the lyrics, catchy tune, or dance steps that made it memorable for me. Instead, it was the concept. To be the best that you can be, you have to keep your head in the game.

Defining the Game

But, what is the game? It can be anything you decide. Your career would be one. Relationships with others would be another. Heck, what you are going to have for lunch would qualify. The main thing to realize is that whatever goal you have, small or large, you can call it a game and get your head in it.

Goals and games, they are interchangeable. To achieve either, you must commit yourself, prepare and practice, and at all times keep it in the forefront of your mind. By actively concentrating on what you want, you will move forward.


As with everything, there will be obstacles to winning the game. In trial, it will be the other side. In life, it might be your own built in limitations. Negative self-talk will never help you win the game, and will do more to prevent you from achieving your goals than anything else. By being aware when you become sidetracked, you are better able to adjust and keep your head in the game.


It is often said in the sports world that all that matters is how many wins you have. The same is not true for a lawyer’s life. What is important is that you have worked towards being the best you can. You have set goals for your life and kept your head in the game.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to examine how you can keep your head in the game.

Photo credit: Keith Allison via Foter.com / CC BY-SA

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