Encore Careers for Lawyers


career-exit-coachingThe feelings associated with leaving the practice of law can run the gamut from exhilarating to terrifying. This article is for those that fall on the latter end of the spectrum. When you spend your entire legal career networking, learning, and fine-tuning your craft, the idea of leaving it all behind can leave you with a sense of worthlessness. “What was it for? Was it worth it? Did I really accomplish anything?” are all thoughts that may go through your mind.

While it is only natural for negative thoughts and emotions to enter your mind, it is more productive to realize that you are moving on to a new chapter of your life. You were a lawyer and that was a major part of your life, but that is not all that you were. Neither is it all that you will strive to attain.

In deciding to do more than just retire, you have decided to expand your life. You want to use your knowledge, experience and desires to avoid stagnation and move forward. The main question is “Move forward to what?” The quick answer is “To your Encore Career!”

What is an Encore Career?

I first heard the phrase “encore career” a few years ago while listening to a program on NPR. The woman being interviewed basically said “I had worked my entire life in this one field. When I decided to retire I knew that I did not want to just sit home and tend my garden. I knew I had to find a way to use my specialized knowledge to help others.”

The woman in the interview stated that she went on to use her skills to volunteer in her community. This eventually led to her developing a new business and her encore career. I recall her saying that she got more satisfaction out of her new business than she ever did out of her first career. This resonated with me, and I think of it whenever I am working with a client that is looking at retirement. There are many paths to successfully transition. Below is a brief description of just one.

One Way to Develop an Encore Career


One of the most effective ways to start out on your encore career is by volunteering. Love animals? Volunteer at the Humane Society. Interested in Social Justice? Volunteer with Legal Aid, or some other organization that sparks your interest. Want to improve the environment? There are many organizations that need your skills and experience. The great thing about volunteering is that you can try many different areas, meet many people, and get a feel for where your passion really lies. And as a volunteer, if it turns out you are not as passionate about the area as you originally thought; it is easy to get out.


Just like when you started out in law, the key to succeeding in your encore career is networking. The only difference between then and now, though, is that you no longer need to worry about “landing a job.” You can truly enjoy the interactions with those that share the same interests as you without the anxiety of wondering if it will lead anywhere. Check out my previous articles on networking for refresher courses on how to effectively network and holistic networking.

Develop Your Plan

Once you have figured out what you want to do in your encore career, and developed a network of people to help you succeed, you are now in a position to launch. It can be as simple as offering yourself as a consultant, or as difficult as creating your own business. Either way, you will be using your knowledge, skills, and experience to achieve your passions.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to start planning your Encore Career!

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