Archive | Happiness

Living in the Moment

When Living In The Moment is Harmful

I have a friend who epitomizes “Living in the Moment”. When she is not happy in a job, she up and quits. If she has money in her pocket, she spends it. When she feels slighted, she lets everyone know. Yes, she lives in the moment, but is this helpful or harmful? The idea of […]

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Ignore the Naysayers

I am currently training for a half marathon. The other day, I was about half mile into an eight mile run. As I was crossing the street, a guy starts yelling at me “Hey jogger, your shirt is ugly. Lift those feet. Those shoes hurt my eyes. Hey jogger, you’re slow. Speed it up. Hey […]

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Letter to Self

Note To Self

Last year a local play was produced in Portland, Oregon, called Note to Self. The play presents a series of actors portraying the characters’ younger and older selves. Each would write notes to the other. The younger actors would contemplate what will occur in their lives over the next 40 years. The older actors would […]

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“Most people know what they do. Many know how. Few know why.” These are the words of my mentor coach, David Krueger, MD. and they ring true regarding my legal career. I know I am a lawyer and also that I am good at what I do. What I struggle with is “why.” Is it […]

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Swim 2

Outside Interests

The four months of training was exhausting, but I recently completed my third triathlon. During the swim portion I was elbowed and kicked. During the bike portion I really began to feel the heat of what turned out to be the hottest day of the year. During the run, I said to myself “I’m never going […]

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5 Reasons You Need a Vacation

Did you take a vacation last year? If you are like 42% of other Americans, the answer is “No.” This is absolutely mind-boggling given all the ways that a vacation is beneficial to one’s life. Let’s look at five ways that vacations are helpful: 1. Relax and Recharge: Yes, I know, it can be stressful […]

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$75,000 is the Key to Happiness?

In 2010, it was scientifically verified that the true value of happiness is $75,000. Researchers at Princeton determined that, on average, earning $75,000 was the peak of happiness in the United States. Earning more than this might make your life easier, might give you more material satisfaction, but, alas, it brought you no more happiness. […]

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