Author Archive | Kyle Dukelow

Living in the Moment

When Living In The Moment is Harmful

I have a friend who epitomizes “Living in the Moment”. When she is not happy in a job, she up and quits. If she has money in her pocket, she spends it. When she feels slighted, she lets everyone know. Yes, she lives in the moment, but is this helpful or harmful? The idea of […]

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I Hate What I Do

There was a time in my legal career when my inner voice said “I hate what I do” at least three or four times a day. Sometimes I even found myself saying the words out loud. Obviously, something was wrong. I was making good money, volunteering with the bar and law schools, and had a […]

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The Positive Aspect of Negative Thinking

When someone tells you to “think positive,” what is the first thing that pops into your mind? The answer is different for everyone, but many people react with skepticism or disdain. This is not surprising. Science shows that we are wary of negative outcomes due to a hard-wiring in our brains. As our ancestors evolved, […]

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Form Over Feng Shui

There is an entryway rug that is the source of much consternation between myself and my staff. My law practice consists of me and three staff members. We are based in rainy Portland, Oregon. To salvage my carpet, I purchased an entryway doormat. The logic is pretty simple, when people enter the doorway with their […]

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Navigate A Career

  Helping lawyers navigate a career. That’s what I do. It is an amazing job in that I positively work with others in a normally adversarial industry. Through my work with lawyers, I have found a coach can be beneficial in a number of career stages. Navigate the Steep Learning Curve The first stage is […]

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