5 Reasons You Need a Vacation


Did you take a vacation last year? If you are like 42% of other Americans, the answer is “No.” This is absolutely mind-boggling given all the ways that a vacation is beneficial to one’s life. Let’s look at five ways that vacations are helpful:

1. Relax and Recharge: Yes, I know, it can be stressful getting to your final vacation destination. But once you are there, the idea is that you forget about work and just relax. Here are seven ways to relax on vacation.  Why is it important to relax? By getting your mind off of work, your body actually lets go of the everyday stress that is consuming you. You’ll sleep better, be happier, and be better able to fight off illness.

2. Contemplation: By getting away from the everyday grind, you will have a chance to contemplate where you are in your life. Are you thinking about getting out of the practice of law entirely, tweaking your practice, or just how to improve your practice?  Regardless, the time on vacation frees your mind from dwelling on the day to day requirements of your career, and allows you to examine your own dreams.

3. Your Mental Health: It should go without saying that working day in and day out can have a detrimental effect on your mental health, especially in a job as stressful as practicing law. Despite this self-evident fact, many attorneys think they can decompress on the weekend (on those weekends when they are away from the office, that is). Sadly, a weekend is not enough. Even taking a long weekend is giving short shrift to your mental well-being. To get the most benefit from a vacation, plan on at least a week to maximize the mental benefits you will receive.

4. Broaden your perspective: Too many of us live our lives in our own little shells. We hang out with other lawyers. If we vacation, we go to the places where our friends have been. I would challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, and plan your next vacation in an exotic or out of the ordinary locale. Why? Because by doing so, you will broaden your perspective on life, your career, and your desires. And when you get back, don’t waste the opportunity to take advantage of your newly cleared mind!

5. Increase productivity: It has been scientifically proven that taking breaks from work can improve productivity. There are many factors that come into play in reaching this outcome. One is that even though you are getting away from work for a little bit, your subconscious continues to think about your job and may develop more efficient methods of working. Another factor is that people tend to be more productive when they are happy. Most people are happier after a vacation. Ergo, production increases.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to start planning your long over-due vacation!

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