3 Crucial Career Builders

When starting out in the practice of law it is easy to get overwhelmed with all that you were not taught in law school. New lawyers are often more worried about whether they look incompetent then in building their careers. However, the great thing about being new is that you have more opportunities than you realize. Here are three crucial career builders for newer lawyers.


Despite the uniquely American belief that you can do it all by yourself, the truth is that life can be a lot easier when you ask for help. For example, if you are approached by a potential client to handle an issue that is new to you, then you have the perfect opportunity to call up a fellow attorney to ask some questions. Most attorneys are happy to take a small amount of time to help a fellow professional. By taking advantage of that willingness to help, you are meeting new people, and getting yourself known.

Develop a Niche

The days of the main street lawyer that does probate, criminal defense, family law, business law, and anything else that walks through the door are over. This is a blessing because it frees you to develop an interest in one or two areas of law and really excel at becoming an expert in those areas. By promoting yourself as the “go to” person, you can increase referrals. You will also receive more invitations to write or speak on your niche. This increases your visibility among your peers and again, leads to more referrals.


Find an organization that you believe in and volunteer to help them out in any way possible. Extra points if the organization is made up by and for lawyers. Examples include local bar associations, plaintiff or defense groups, Inns of Court, etc. The point is to work with other like-minded individuals towards a common cause. By doing so you will make connections as well as making a name for yourself as a dedicated lawyer.

One can see how it would be easy to combine networking, volunteering and niche building. A number of years ago a young attorney joined the a Publications Committee. Within the first month of being on the committee he sent a letter to all members of the committee announcing who he was, what types of law he practiced, and an invitation to have coffee or lunch. It was an effective way to make him memorable and network.

Contact me for complimentary 30 minute session to find out how a coach can help you build your career!

Photo credit: <a href=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/83532250@N06/7650804342/”>thetaxhaven</a> via <a href=”http://foter.com/”>Foter.com</a> / <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/”>CC BY</a>

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