Tag Archives | Volunteer


3 Crucial Career Builders

When starting out in the practice of law it is easy to get overwhelmed with all that you were not taught in law school. New lawyers are often more worried about whether they look incompetent then in building their careers. However, the great thing about being new is that you have more opportunities than you […]

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Ferris Wheel

Planning For a Successful Career

Fresh out of law school and studying for the bar exam, I did something which was necessary at the time, but probably not the wisest career builder. I took a temp job selling ride tickets at the county fair. The most memorable customer was the dean of the law school. He came up to the […]

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Encore Careers for Lawyers

  The feelings associated with leaving the practice of law can run the gamut from exhilarating to terrifying. This article is for those that fall on the latter end of the spectrum. When you spend your entire legal career networking, learning, and fine-tuning your craft, the idea of leaving it all behind can leave you […]

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