Tag Archives | lawyers


The Right Tools

The other day I was watching our landscapers trim a large bush that had overgrown the fence. What would have taken me 3 hours to complete with my clippers, took them just 10 minutes. That is when it hit me…Productivity depends on having the right tools for the job! CREATING A BUSINESS A client had […]

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Visual Aids

VISUAL AIDS A visual aid is a chart, picture or other visual item that helps accentuate a speaker’s point. Visual aids are important to aid the speaker’s organization, maintain the interest of the audience, and assist in persuasion. The use of a visual aid can increase an audience’s retention by up to 43%. Power Point […]

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Public Speaking – Gestures

Lawyers can enhance their presentations by adopting the right balance of gestures, body movement, and eye contact. Here are a couple of things to think about: GESTURES Gestures can enhance a presentation, or distract from it. The key to gestures is moderation. For example, too much hand waving is distracting. However, ticking off points using […]

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