Tag Archives | Goals


Living a Full Life

Are you living a full life? Do you get daily fulfillment out of life? Of all the people I a have known in my life, it was my father that lived the fullest life. This is how he did it: Know What You Want My dad was an only child. When he was in High […]

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Achieving Goals

Have you ever set a goal for yourself, only to find that as the days goes by you get no closer to achieving your goal? You feel like you are just spinning your wheels and accomplishing nothing. This happens to almost everyone. Oftentimes the difficulties stem from the goal being too large. I’ve written before […]

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Head In The Game

“Get’cha Head in the Game ” Over a decade ago, Disney released High School Musical and it took the tween world by storm. Somehow, my wife and I were roped into watching. One song in particular has remained with me ever since. “Get’cha Head in the Game” performed by Zac Efron. It was not the lyrics, […]

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Plan the Work and Work the Plan

Summer is over and it is time to get back to work. I don’t mean your job, I mean get back to work on planning your transition. Whether it is the transition from student to lawyer, public servant lawyer to private law practice, or out of the practice entirely, you will need to set goals […]

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