Tag Archives | change


The Right Tools

The other day I was watching our landscapers trim a large bush that had overgrown the fence. What would have taken me 3 hours to complete with my clippers, took them just 10 minutes. That is when it hit me…Productivity depends on having the right tools for the job! CREATING A BUSINESS A client had […]

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Avoiding Burnout

One of the most difficult decisions for lawyers to make is when to get out of the practice of law. We tell ourselves “I’ll get out when it’s no longer fun.” We claim “I just need to settle one more big case, then I’m outta here.” We think “I’m too young to retire, but too […]

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Transition to Independence

Independence. At this time of the year, Independence is at the forefront of most American’s minds. If you are stuck in a law firm, DA’s office or Public Defender’s office, then what does Independence mean to you? If your answer is “getting the hell out!” then it is time for you to start examining how […]

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