Tag Archives | burnout


I Hate What I Do

There was a time in my legal career when my inner voice said “I hate what I do” at least three or four times a day. Sometimes I even found myself saying the words out loud. Obviously, something was wrong. I was making good money, volunteering with the bar and law schools, and had a […]

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Chasing Unicorns

Ah Unicorns…those mystical, magical, one-horned creatures that many of us searched for as kids. We thought that if we could catch one, we would be given magical powers. As adults, we know they do not exist and have given up chasing unicorns. Or have we? Many of us are not fully satisfied in our chosen […]

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Mid-Career Adjustments

Oftentimes when an attorney reaches mid-career, she or he finds it difficult to stay motivated without making adjustments. However, there are steps you can take to reenergize your career. Here are five ways to help you mid-career: Avoid Burnout Somewhere along the line, most attorneys begin to feel that they are unsure they made the […]

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Avoiding Burnout

One of the most difficult decisions for lawyers to make is when to get out of the practice of law. We tell ourselves “I’ll get out when it’s no longer fun.” We claim “I just need to settle one more big case, then I’m outta here.” We think “I’m too young to retire, but too […]

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