Tag Archives | Attorney


Public Speaking 101 – Delivery

SPEECH DELIVERY-PART IV PUBLIC SPEAKING 101 Delivery of a speech can be broken down into four basic methods: Manuscript, Memorization, Impromptu and Extemporaneous. Which method you use will depend on your ultimate goal in giving the speech. Let’s examine the four methods: Manuscript In a manuscript speech, the speaker reads word for word from a […]

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Public Speaking 101 Vocal Variety

Lawyers are inevitably asked to speak in front of various organizations. Many people believe that lawyers have a natural ability to convey a point of view effectively. Little do they know that many lawyers view public speaking as a curse, rather than a gift. I respect the fact that speaking in public is not a […]

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“Most people know what they do. Many know how. Few know why.” These are the words of my mentor coach, David Krueger, MD. and they ring true regarding my legal career. I know I am a lawyer and also that I am good at what I do. What I struggle with is “why.” Is it […]

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Swim 2

Outside Interests

The four months of training was exhausting, but I recently completed my third triathlon. During the swim portion I was elbowed and kicked. During the bike portion I really began to feel the heat of what turned out to be the hottest day of the year. During the run, I said to myself “I’m never going […]

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Ferris Wheel

Planning For a Successful Career

Fresh out of law school and studying for the bar exam, I did something which was necessary at the time, but probably not the wisest career builder. I took a temp job selling ride tickets at the county fair. The most memorable customer was the dean of the law school. He came up to the […]

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Small steps

Small Steps

  Have you ever had an idea that was so big, so brilliant, so life-changing that you were sure it would be a success? Did you follow up on that idea? If not, was it because the process to get there was too overwhelming? If so, then you are like most people. Many people have […]

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