Tag Archives | Attorney


Chasing Unicorns

Ah Unicorns…those mystical, magical, one-horned creatures that many of us searched for as kids. We thought that if we could catch one, we would be given magical powers. As adults, we know they do not exist and have given up chasing unicorns. Or have we? Many of us are not fully satisfied in our chosen […]

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Pre-Trial Playlist

In addition to coaching, I am still a practicing trial lawyer. Every morning before a trial, I get extremely nervous. I worry about not putting enough work into the trial prep. I fret about what my witnesses will say on the stand. I cringe about voir dire. Whatever negative thoughts there are, they will go […]

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Letter to Self

Note To Self

Last year a local play was produced in Portland, Oregon, called Note to Self. The play presents a series of actors portraying the characters’ younger and older selves. Each would write notes to the other. The younger actors would contemplate what will occur in their lives over the next 40 years. The older actors would […]

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Head In The Game

“Get’cha Head in the Game ” Over a decade ago, Disney released High School Musical and it took the tween world by storm. Somehow, my wife and I were roped into watching. One song in particular has remained with me ever since. “Get’cha Head in the Game” performed by Zac Efron. It was not the lyrics, […]

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Email Etiquette

                    The art of email etiquette is not taught in law school. Students are taught how to “think like lawyers,” but are left clueless how to most effectively use email. Below are seven email etiquette tips that are often forgotten: Subject Line Etiquette Make sure your […]

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Toastmasters: An Essential Tool for Trial Lawyers

Without Toastmasters, I would not be the trial lawyer that I am today. Toastmasters International helps people become better public speakers. The organization also offers a very effective leadership training program. Ralph Smedley started Toastmasters in 1924 in the basement of a California YMCA. I am a second generation Toastmaster and have been involved in a […]

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Leaving Law for an Encore Career

For many attorneys, there comes a time where they decide to to leave the practice of law. The feelings associated with leaving the practice of law can run the gamut from exhilaration to terrifying. When you spend your entire legal career networking, learning, and fine-tuning your craft, the idea of leaving it all behind can […]

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Mid-Career Adjustments

Oftentimes when an attorney reaches mid-career, she or he finds it difficult to stay motivated without making adjustments. However, there are steps you can take to reenergize your career. Here are five ways to help you mid-career: Avoid Burnout Somewhere along the line, most attorneys begin to feel that they are unsure they made the […]

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