Archive | Stress


Pre-Trial Playlist

In addition to coaching, I am still a practicing trial lawyer. Every morning before a trial, I get extremely nervous. I worry about not putting enough work into the trial prep. I fret about what my witnesses will say on the stand. I cringe about voir dire. Whatever negative thoughts there are, they will go […]

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5 Reasons You Need a Vacation

Did you take a vacation last year? If you are like 42% of other Americans, the answer is “No.” This is absolutely mind-boggling given all the ways that a vacation is beneficial to one’s life. Let’s look at five ways that vacations are helpful: 1. Relax and Recharge: Yes, I know, it can be stressful […]

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Bypassing Stress

In my last post, I examined the four pillars of mental preparation that help US Navy SEAL candidates achieve success. The main question I did not address was why it works. It’s complicated, but it’s not brain surgery. It is brain science, though. Basically, when we are dealing with fear or stress, our brains are […]

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