Archive | Plans


Form Over Feng Shui

There is an entryway rug that is the source of much consternation between myself and my staff. My law practice consists of me and three staff members. We are based in rainy Portland, Oregon. To salvage my carpet, I purchased an entryway doormat. The logic is pretty simple, when people enter the doorway with their […]

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Achieving Goals

Have you ever set a goal for yourself, only to find that as the days goes by you get no closer to achieving your goal? You feel like you are just spinning your wheels and accomplishing nothing. This happens to almost everyone. Oftentimes the difficulties stem from the goal being too large. I’ve written before […]

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The Right Tools

The other day I was watching our landscapers trim a large bush that had overgrown the fence. What would have taken me 3 hours to complete with my clippers, took them just 10 minutes. That is when it hit me…Productivity depends on having the right tools for the job! CREATING A BUSINESS A client had […]

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Leaving Law for an Encore Career

For many attorneys, there comes a time where they decide to to leave the practice of law. The feelings associated with leaving the practice of law can run the gamut from exhilaration to terrifying. When you spend your entire legal career networking, learning, and fine-tuning your craft, the idea of leaving it all behind can […]

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Ferris Wheel

Planning For a Successful Career

Fresh out of law school and studying for the bar exam, I did something which was necessary at the time, but probably not the wisest career builder. I took a temp job selling ride tickets at the county fair. The most memorable customer was the dean of the law school. He came up to the […]

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Small steps

Small Steps

  Have you ever had an idea that was so big, so brilliant, so life-changing that you were sure it would be a success? Did you follow up on that idea? If not, was it because the process to get there was too overwhelming? If so, then you are like most people. Many people have […]

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yellow pad

Plan the Work and Work the Plan

Summer is over and it is time to get back to work. I don’t mean your job, I mean get back to work on planning your transition. Whether it is the transition from student to lawyer, public servant lawyer to private law practice, or out of the practice entirely, you will need to set goals […]

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