Archive | Overcoming Challenges

Small steps

Small Steps

  Have you ever had an idea that was so big, so brilliant, so life-changing that you were sure it would be a success? Did you follow up on that idea? If not, was it because the process to get there was too overwhelming? If so, then you are like most people. Many people have […]

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Bypassing Stress

In my last post, I examined the four pillars of mental preparation that help US Navy SEAL candidates achieve success. The main question I did not address was why it works. It’s complicated, but it’s not brain surgery. It is brain science, though. Basically, when we are dealing with fear or stress, our brains are […]

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Hidden Limitations

Limitations. We all have them. Some are physical, some are psychological, some are hidden. All can be overcome in one way or another. A few years ago, I was training for a half-marathon. The training was going well until I had a week-long trial. As many of you know, the stress of a trial takes […]

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