Archive | Overcoming Challenges


I Hate What I Do

There was a time in my legal career when my inner voice said “I hate what I do” at least three or four times a day. Sometimes I even found myself saying the words out loud. Obviously, something was wrong. I was making good money, volunteering with the bar and law schools, and had a […]

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The Positive Aspect of Negative Thinking

When someone tells you to “think positive,” what is the first thing that pops into your mind? The answer is different for everyone, but many people react with skepticism or disdain. This is not surprising. Science shows that we are wary of negative outcomes due to a hard-wiring in our brains. As our ancestors evolved, […]

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Career Defense 101 Book Review

In the #MeToo era, Meredith Holley’s book Career Defense 101 is a book that all should read. Ms. Holley is an attorney that specializes in Sexual Harassment cases. She is also a coach that works with her clients to overcome the trauma that results from sexual harassment so that they can reclaim their lives. The […]

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Chasing Unicorns

Ah Unicorns…those mystical, magical, one-horned creatures that many of us searched for as kids. We thought that if we could catch one, we would be given magical powers. As adults, we know they do not exist and have given up chasing unicorns. Or have we? Many of us are not fully satisfied in our chosen […]

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The Right Tools

The other day I was watching our landscapers trim a large bush that had overgrown the fence. What would have taken me 3 hours to complete with my clippers, took them just 10 minutes. That is when it hit me…Productivity depends on having the right tools for the job! CREATING A BUSINESS A client had […]

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Standing in Line

A Simple Way to Improve your Argument Have you ever been standing in line at the grocery store when the person behind you strikes up a conversation ? Use that to your advantage. Tell them you are a lawyer and would like to run a scenario by them, if they are willing. Most non-lawyers think […]

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