Author Archive | Kyle Dukelow


Bypassing Stress

In my last post, I examined the four pillars of mental preparation that help US Navy SEAL candidates achieve success. The main question I did not address was why it works. It’s complicated, but it’s not brain surgery. It is brain science, though. Basically, when we are dealing with fear or stress, our brains are […]

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Transition to Independence

Independence. At this time of the year, Independence is at the forefront of most American’s minds. If you are stuck in a law firm, DA’s office or Public Defender’s office, then what does Independence mean to you? If your answer is “getting the hell out!” then it is time for you to start examining how […]

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$75,000 is the Key to Happiness?

In 2010, it was scientifically verified that the true value of happiness is $75,000. Researchers at Princeton determined that, on average, earning $75,000 was the peak of happiness in the United States. Earning more than this might make your life easier, might give you more material satisfaction, but, alas, it brought you no more happiness. […]

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LC Flags

Real Life Continuing Education

One of the first shockers of leaving a large firm is the realization that you are now responsible for your own Continuing Legal Education (CLE). In the firm, they either provided their own CLE’s, or made it clear the expectations of which CLE’s you would attend. Now that you are on your own, you get […]

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Hidden Limitations

Limitations. We all have them. Some are physical, some are psychological, some are hidden. All can be overcome in one way or another. A few years ago, I was training for a half-marathon. The training was going well until I had a week-long trial. As many of you know, the stress of a trial takes […]

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Holistic Networking

I have previously blogged about traditional networking. However, there is another type of networking in which you actually try to develop a one on one relationship with other attorneys. This is different than “working a room” because you are actively trying to develop deeper relationships. In this type of networking, you seek out established lawyers […]

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When you hear the word “networking,” what’s the first thing that goes through your mind? Unless you are an engineer or computer geek, you probably groan and mumble to yourself “I hate networking.” Well, whether you love it or loathe it, networking is a fact of life. Every day you are networking whether you intend […]

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Financial Growth

Do you need a financial planner?

When I was a new attorney, I met a financial planner at a party. He was telling me about Self Employed Pensions (SEP) and how I really should start one. I remember thinking to myself , “buddy, I’m more worried about paying off my student loans then having you sell me a SEP.” How I […]

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