Author Archive | Kyle Dukelow


Career Defense 101 Book Review

In the #MeToo era, Meredith Holley’s book Career Defense 101 is a book that all should read. Ms. Holley is an attorney that specializes in Sexual Harassment cases. She is also a coach that works with her clients to overcome the trauma that results from sexual harassment so that they can reclaim their lives. The […]

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Living a Full Life

Are you living a full life? Do you get daily fulfillment out of life? Of all the people I a have known in my life, it was my father that lived the fullest life. This is how he did it: Know What You Want My dad was an only child. When he was in High […]

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Achieving Goals

Have you ever set a goal for yourself, only to find that as the days goes by you get no closer to achieving your goal? You feel like you are just spinning your wheels and accomplishing nothing. This happens to almost everyone. Oftentimes the difficulties stem from the goal being too large. I’ve written before […]

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Leadership Style

What is your leadership style? Are you authoritative, bureaucratic, or innovative? Many of us have never thought about it. If we have, we say we are only one style and forget the rest. But in reality, your leadership style can change depending on the circumstances you are in. For example, being a rule following bureaucrat […]

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Battling Alzheimer’s

One of the greatest fears for aging attorneys is Alzheimer’s. We spend our entire lives using our mind to advance our careers. The thought of the erosion of our memories due to this disease is alarming. Luckily, neuroscience has shown that there are effective ways to battle the onset of Alzheimer’s at any age. Professor […]

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Ignore the Naysayers

I am currently training for a half marathon. The other day, I was about half mile into an eight mile run. As I was crossing the street, a guy starts yelling at me “Hey jogger, your shirt is ugly. Lift those feet. Those shoes hurt my eyes. Hey jogger, you’re slow. Speed it up. Hey […]

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Chasing Unicorns

Ah Unicorns…those mystical, magical, one-horned creatures that many of us searched for as kids. We thought that if we could catch one, we would be given magical powers. As adults, we know they do not exist and have given up chasing unicorns. Or have we? Many of us are not fully satisfied in our chosen […]

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Pre-Trial Playlist

In addition to coaching, I am still a practicing trial lawyer. Every morning before a trial, I get extremely nervous. I worry about not putting enough work into the trial prep. I fret about what my witnesses will say on the stand. I cringe about voir dire. Whatever negative thoughts there are, they will go […]

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Letter to Self

Note To Self

Last year a local play was produced in Portland, Oregon, called Note to Self. The play presents a series of actors portraying the characters’ younger and older selves. Each would write notes to the other. The younger actors would contemplate what will occur in their lives over the next 40 years. The older actors would […]

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